We curated the best products, with the quickest shipping times. You can buy our product on Amazon. We provide a complete list of kite materials and applications. A good starter kit is here. All ships via amazon prime.
Kitewithphsyics - Forever Fix - Kite Repair Kit - Kiteboarding and Kitesurfing
pricing, explanation, instructions, videos, and more at the Final Fix Repair Kit product page.
3" x 30" - Trusted kitewithphysics - Brandless leading edge liner - iron on dacron (compare to KiteAid)
1 oz Glue - SeamGrip WP- https://amzn.to/3vhLGG4 (compare to GlueFix)
5 3/4" x 6" - Tear Aid Type-A - for bladder patch - https://amzn.to/3sOGcB8 (only trusted product for this)
3" x 5ft. - Dacron adhesive tape - https://amzn.to/3nihxDI (many comparable brands around web)
3" x 18" - Nylon adhesive ripstop tape - https://amzn.to/3vgpzjh (many comparable brands around the web, trusted product) (this is our suggestion if you need ASAP, the ripstop pattern is a bit larger than normal, which hasn't had an impact in our use)
If you can wait for non-prime shipping, we recommend this Nylon adhesive ripstop tape 2" x 25ft. https://amzn.to/3sISif2 (many comparable brands around the web, trusted product)
We provide two simple and cost effective offerings to the kite community.
1) A complete Kite Repair Kit that can be bought on Amazon through Amazon Prime. That means it is fast, trusted, cost effective, and has free shipping. Only one of the items in this offering is ours. The Brandless iron on dacron. Our different kits source product and instructional videos so that you know how to make a safe and trusted repair to your kite quickly and easily. So you can get back on the water. Our favorite kit, is the Final Fix kit. But we offer different kits for leading edge repair, strut repair, canopy repair, bladder repair, etc.
2) A forum to post leftover repair materials, why not resell what you didn't use? You can post to the thread on kiteforum.com and reference our site for the proper way to post. Buying someones excess repair kit saves materials, is sustainable, and just makes sense.
In repairing our kites we noticed that it is very hard to stick adhesive dacron properly into the inside of the leading edge. It was messy, easy to mess up. This made for ineffective repairs. There was only one product which is $30 per 3"x30". We created a brandless product (compare to KiteAid) that achieves excellent hold and achieves our purpose. Iron on heat activated Dacron. Only sold on Amazon, so you can get it next day.
We will start with content on the physics of repairs and why you should repair your kite in certain ways and with what materials. This is so that you trust and have confidence in your repair, and understand how it impacts your kite saftey. Then we will move into other kite science.
Preston Zorner (Lehigh)
DM kitewithphysics on kiteforum.com
use the LIVE chat on the bottom right, we respond quickly and can advise on your repair
Preston Zorner (Lehigh)